It was a cold sunday, the streets were empty.
My friends and I came up with the idea to spray some tags while it was in the middle of the day. Now I look back at it it was a recipe for a disaster. Although at that moment I didn’t see a problem.
I have to say in my neighborhood its all eyes. even when the streets are empty.. so it wasn’t a big surprise when we saw the first police car driving towards us. We started running as fast as we could trying to outrun the police.
Couple minutes later i found the best hiding spot, 30 minutes later I took the risk. Walking straight to home so I can call it a day. That.. that was the stupidest thing to do. Police cars everywhere. looking for me and my friends. Because we had split up I didn’t know if they were caught or not. But I would find out not so long after.
Every street was dangerous for me, the chance of getting caught was high. I had to cross a big street.. and that was the moment I realized I made a big mistake. A police car saw me and he pushed the gas and he drove to me as fast as he could.
I began to run again. Do i need to go left or right I asked myself.. I took the left. “fuck.” its a dead end.
No chance of geting out.
It was a reason I was done with graffiti for a while, but not for long. You live to make mistakes and learn from it.
moral of the story..
Never do graffiti in a small neighborhood in the middle of the day on a Sunday.